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Previous recipients of the Supporting Strong Communities Grants

We are proud to partner with Sidney Myer Fund to provide the Supporting Stronger Communities grants program.


Over 100 neighbourhood houses/centres across Australia have received up to $10,000 each for projects which tackle poverty and disadvantage in local communities.


Here you will information about our previous recipient projects:


Round 1, 2019

Friday Food Club – Cheltenham Community Centre VIC – $10,000

Friday Food Club is a program specifically targeting disadvantaged groups, that is, over 55s who are in social housing and at risk or experiencing social isolation; underemployed with mental health challenges; and people who are homeless. The program will engage people in these cohorts to come and cook a hot meal together and also cook a meal for people that are homeless. It will provide skills in cooking, health and nutrition, socialisation, community participation, connectedness, and thinking about others.


Somali Young Women’s Art Project – Canterbury City Community Centre NSW – $10,000

The aim of Somali Young Women’s Art Project is to improve the health, wellbeing and resilience of young women aged 13-19 from Somalia and other North African communities living in the Canterbury Bankstown area. Many of these young women arrived here as refugees or were born in Australia to parents who arrived as refugees and are struggling through their adolescent years – reconciling their traditional family cultural expectations with growing up in Sydney, leading to increased conflict at home. To engage this group and address the above issues, Canterbury City Community Centre will run a 20 week creative arts program.


Men’s Building Better Lives Program – Logan East Community Neighbourhood Association QLD – $10,000

The Men’s Building Better Lives program will address the importance of men connecting with each other and teach them strategies to improve and change the way they might act and communicate with others, including parenting skills.


Creative Enterprising Women – Wellsprings for Women VIC – $10,000

Creative Enterprising Women involves migrant and refugee women with low levels of English and educational backgrounds who seek financial security, in workshops where they build confidence and get access to income generating pathways. During the workshops the women get to document their existing skills and talents through a skills audit, explore available possibilities for generating income, develop a goal plan and learn about the pathways to micro-businesses, self employment, social enterprises, and other programs.


Moon Rabbit Mobile Bulk Foods – The Bridge Preston VIC – $10,000

To address food insecurity in Preston, The Bridge will set up a Mobile Bulk Food Co-Op. The Preston 2016 SEIFA index is 994 – high disadvantage. The three key components of food insecurity are inadequate supply, inaccessibility and inappropriate use. This project addresses all three. Vulnerable community members will buy food at a reduced price, without plastic packaging, in appropriate volumes, with cooking demonstrations and recipes. Moon Rabbit Mobile Bulk Foods, the first mobile bulk food Co-Op in Melbourne creates increased social capital and wellbeing. It will provide savings, social connectivity and healthy food for the most disadvantaged in the Darebin community.


Table of Plenty – Greenacre Area Community Centre NSW – $10,000

Table of Plenty will provide fortnightly lunches, material support and living skills to disadvantaged and vulnerable community members including recently arrived migrants and refugees, people affected by mental health and social housing tenants. The program will provide a cooked nutritious communal lunch, food parcels and skills in preparing low cost nutritious meals, and will link participants with services to reduce poverty, as food is one of the first items to be sacrificed when people experience poverty.


FREE – Financial Resilience Empowerment & Education – The Spiers Centre WA – $10,000

The FREE (Financial Resilience Empowerment and Education) program aims to enhance the engagement of Aboriginal people in activities that promote strength, resilience and wellbeing.  The community partners engaged in this project have the capacity, experience and commitment to train and support identified community leaders and elders to support their communities in furthering their financial literacy and capability.


Kenley Court Neighbourhood House Client Support – Banksia Gardens Community Services VIC – $10,000           

Banksia Garden Community Services manages the Kenley Court Neighbourhood House located in Meadow Heights, one of the most disadvantaged suburbs in Hume City Council on Melbourne’s northern fringe. Kenley Court delivers programs for the local community including its successful after-school Study Group primarily targeted at refugee and newly arrived migrant children and young people. A dedicated client support service will help refugees, migrants and other disadvantaged residents take the necessary steps to improve their financial and personal circumstances.


SKCC Holiday Clubs – The South Kingsville Community Centre VIC – $5,000

This project will provide a series of holiday programs for children and young adults from disadvantaged cohorts. These programs include a combination of life skills, education, arts and social inclusion. An example program involves art using recyclable materials. The participants explore the work of artists like Jane Perkins and Jason Mecier then recreate their own versions of artwork. Other program types include cooking classes and coding computer classes to aid life skills and education. The centre aims to run at least two programs every school holidays.


All Girls are Knockouts – Laverton Community Integrated Services VIC – $10,000

Laverton Community Integrated Services in partnership with the Laverton Youth Foundation and Laverton Boxing Gym will run a female youth program targeting the young CALD women who reside within the Hobsons Bay and Wyndham municipalities. The project will teach Women’s Safety and focus on empowerment, self-defence, fitness, assertiveness, social media/ sexting and online safety.


Community Outreach Officer – Park Orchards Community House & Learning Centre Inc VIC – $10,000  

This project will employ a Community Outreach Officer (COO) dedicated to engaging with new clients who would access the centre’s free and low cost community programs. Specifically, the COO would target those who are disadvantaged by social isolation, age, ESL, and those who face financial barriers to participation. The COO would also establish relationships with external services, such as Job Service Agencies (JSAs), to promote and support participants enrolling in our pre-accredited training programs. They would liaise with the JSAs to develop courses that meet the needs of the unemployed, and give them the skills required for meaningful employment.


Seeds for Change – Ottoway Takes Action on Climate Change – Junction Community Centre Inc SA – $10,000

Ottoway has the capacity to show how neighbourhoods can affordably green and cool our streets and gardens, foster friendships and create habitat for local flora and fauna. The Seeds for Change initiative invites neighbours to a series of free spring and summer propagation workshops where they share skills and nurture native, drought tolerant species to be planted throughout winter in residents’ front gardens and verges. This place-making activity shows how local action can transform lives and communities. It is hands on and lends itself to intergenerational and intercultural involvement that honours Indigenous culture.


Strengthening Women Program – Yangebup Family Centre Inc WA – $8,465        

This program will deliver eight workshops to support women who are disadvantaged to develop self-esteem, self-care, resilience and employment skills. Following the conclusion of the workshops we will hold individual meetings with participants to identify strengths and opportunities to volunteer or gain work experience in the community.



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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners across Australia, and pay our respects to First Nations Elders and community members, past and present.


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Docklands VIC 3008

​©2022 Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association

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