About the Goal
By promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, we provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. This goal is critical in achieving all the Sustainable Development Goals as we need effective and inclusive public institutions that can deliver quality education and healthcare, fair economic policies and inclusive environmental protection.
Why it Matters
1 in 6
women have experienced at least one incident of domestic violence
Australia ranks 13th on the International Corruption Perceptions
of people in prison are Indigenous Australians yet make up 3.3% of the population
What Neighbourhood Houses & Centres are doing
Neighbourhood Houses and Centres are committed to reaching peace, justice and strong institutions through connecting with and referring community members to organisations that provide resources to people in need of legal and/or social assistance, such as
Auspice other community organisations
Community advocacy
Community information/ Citizens Advice Bureau
Grant writing support
Referral (informal & formal)