About the Goal
The SDGs goal seeks to achieve gender equality by empowering women and girls. Women and girls make up 50% of the worlds population, and thus half of its potential, however gender inequality persists everywhere. Women continue to be underrepresented at all levels of political leadership and women and girls continue to perform a disproportionate share of domestic unpaid work. Women are often expected to take on the primary care giving role when looking after children, which results in less career and further education opportunities, than their male counterparts.
Empowering women and promoting gender equality is crucial to accelerating sustainable development. Ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls has a multiplier effect on all other development goals.
“When we exlude women, everyone pays the price. When we include women, the whole world wins."
Why it Matters
The gender pay gap is highest in Health and Social Services - a female dominated industry
Women make up
of unpaid childcare work
Women earn
less than men per week
What Neighbourhood Houses & Centres are doing
Neighborhood houses and centres are delivering on this goal both directly and indirectly. Programs such as occasional childcare, maternal and child health checks/ immunisations and NILS/ Loan schemes. We foster a safe, welcoming environment for everyone, with gender equality ingrained in our culture.
Through the Supporting Stronger Communities grant, many Neighbourhood Houses and Centres have been able to fund programs and projects that empower women and girls. Offering these women and girls support, and access to valuable resources that provide them with the tools to succeed.
Localising the SDGs:
A community led appraoch to global issues webinar 5
Gabrielle Williams - Victorian Minister for Women, Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence and the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs.
Tanja Kovac - CEO, Gender Equity Victoria
Sophie Arnold - Executive Manager, UNAA Victoria
Banksia Gardens Neighbourhood House
Women's Resource Centre
Nicole Battle - ANHCA President